Food Security and Livelyhoods

Food security, or rather insecurity, is at the heart of food crises and food-related emergencies. It is an underlying cause of malnutrition and mortality and a significant factor in longer-term livelihood security.

Food insecurity may cause irreparable damage to livelihoods, thereby reducing self-sufficiency. It is therefore part of the process leading to malnutrition, morbidity and mortality.

In addition, the state of being food insecure directly contributes to destitution and damaged livelihoods in the long term. In other words, if there is acute food insecurity, there is a nutritional risk. Through our food security and livelihoods program, we work to build the resilience of target communities to the impacts of climate change on food security and their livelihoods.

Our program incorporates a wide collection of activities customized to meet a community’s specific needs that are designed to bolster agricultural production, facilitate market access, support micro-enterprise initiatives and enhance vulnerable communities’ access to sustainable sources of food and income security.

We provide our communities with a systematic approach to identifying, assessing, and reducing disaster risks

People Reached
Livestock Reached

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