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RACIDA’s ILSP uplifting vulnerable households.


The Remarkable Impact of ILSP on Mrs. Habiba and 8,000 others in Mandera County.

Mama Habiba sitted outside her thatched house in Mandera. IMAGE/ Racida field officer

In the heart of Mandera County, amidst the challenges of arid landscapes, Mrs. Habiba Abdi Alasow’s testimony echoes the transformative impact of the Integrated Life Saving Project (ILSP) initiated by the Rural Agency for Community Development and Assistance (RACIDA) and generously funded by USAID/BHA. Mrs. Habiba, a single mother of seven children, became the living testament to the profound changes brought about by the project.

With her voice filled with gratitude, Mrs. Habiba shared, “I used to sell tea to herders who brought their animals for watering at a nearby Guba earth pan. I stopped selling tea due to a lack of customers and drought. I resorted to selling firewood, which is not a reliable source of income. Sometimes my children slept hungry.”

Her story sums up the struggles faced by many families in the region. However, the ILSP became a beacon of hope for Mrs. Habiba and countless others.

“I was registered to benefit from the RACIDA cash transfer program, and so far, I have received four cycles of 12,945 plus withdrawal charges. I really appreciate RACIDA. As a mother, I feel dignified. Since the first cycle, my household enjoys three meals a day, with chapati and pancakes in the morning. I say thank you to RACIDA and the donor,” she added with a smile.

Mrs. Habiba’s heartfelt testimony exemplifies the tangible and transformative impact the ILSP has had on individual lives, bringing dignity and stability to struggling households. Her words emphasize the profound change from hunger and uncertainty to a sense of security and pride. Through initiatives like the ILSP, RACIDA is not only providing financial assistance but also restoring hope and dignity to families in Mandera County.

The ILSP, spanning from July 2022 to July 2023, has extended its reach to over 8,000 beneficiaries across Mandera South, Mandera North, Mandera East, Banisa, Kiliweheri, and Lafey Sub-Counties. The project’s success is evident in the post-distribution monitoring exercise, where a dedicated team of enumerators and project staff engaged with 374 beneficiaries over eight days, covering diverse locations such as Mandera West, Mandera East, Mandera South, Banisa, Lafey, Mandera North, and Kiliweheri.

Communities have expressed profound appreciation for RACIDA and USAID/BHA, recognizing the pivotal support received during these challenging times. Rising costs of essential commodities, including a significant surge in the price of a 25 kg bag of rice from KES 2300 to KES 4000 in the last three months, have heightened concerns among the residents. These challenges are attributed to weather-related difficulties and transportation issues.

Despite these challenges, the ILSP has facilitated positive changes in the community. Water availability was reported in most areas, and some communities demonstrated commendable systems where households pooled resources to contribute towards purchasing water. While vegetation remained normal in most areas, signs of depletion were observed in some locations in Mandera East, reflecting the lingering effects of past droughts.

Low milk production, a consequence of recent droughts, has led communities to rely on milk powder available in the market. Beneficiaries have reported a positive social impact, with household members experiencing a “celebratory mood” on the day of cash receipt. Notably, some male beneficiaries expressed a heightened sense of dignity and responsibility when providing food for their families.

Unintended positive impacts have emerged, including beneficiaries sharing food and cash with non-beneficiary neighbours and relatives, fostering community cohesion. Shop owners, particularly in locations like Lulis, have reported increased sales and debt repayment a few days after the cash remittance.

However, amidst the statistical successes, the true impact of the ILSP is perhaps best captured through the poignant testimony of Mrs. Habiba Abdi Alasow. Her words exemplify the tangible and transformative impact the ILSP has had on individual lives, bringing dignity and stability to a struggling household.

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